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The creator of the Gay Pride flag, Gilbert Baker was born in the U.S. in 1951.
After an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army in 1972 he taught himself to sew.

The process began from a political standpoint when he began making campaign banners for his friend Harvey Milk. Harvey was the first openly gay man who held a significant political position in 1978 (city supervisor of San Francisco). The rainbow flag formed a significant part of the campaign.
Sadly Harvey Milk was assassinated in late 1978.

The Rainbow Flag was designed as a result of a call for the need of a community symbol for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) pride, liberation and diversity.

We saw the flag for the first time in June 1978 at the Gay and Lesbian Pride Parade in San Francisco. The creator of the flag Gilbert Baker with the help of a few friends managed to make two prototypes specifically for the parade.

Interestingly Gilbert Baker wasn't only known for his role in the creation of the Gay pride flag but also designed flags for many dignitaries and political figures, including then San Fransisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein. He also designed the flags for the 1984 Democratic National Convention.

The rainbow flag has since been used as a symbol of gay pride and gay rights. The flag can be seen in many different forms and is a worldwide phenomenon.


Origins of the

Gay Pride Rainbow Flag

Colours of the flag

The Rainbow Flag originally had eight stripes symbolising the diversity of the gay community:

Pink            Sex
Red             Life
Orange       Healing
Yellow         Sunlight
Green         Nature
Turquoise   Magic
Blue            Serenity
Purple         Spirit

Gilbert Baker creator of the Gay Pride rainbow flag



Creator of the Gay Pride

Rainbow flag.




Gay Activist / Politician who played a major role in Gay Rights and awareness.

Did you know?


The 2008 Film with actor Sean Penn

is based on the trials and tribulations of Harvey Milk.

Gay pride rings and jewellery

Uniquely manufactured in South Africa. Click here to view more of our rings. Gold and diamond jewellery geared towards the South African Gay and Lesbian community.

Gay pride rainbow flag

We support LGBT Rights

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